ServSafe Registration

Below are a list of registration options for ServSafe

Face-to-Face Class

$150: Class + Book + Answer Sheet + Shipping
$150: 7th Edition ServSafe Manager’s Book (You will need to purchase a book if this is your first time taking the exam or you have not taken the exam in the last five years. You are required to have a book when you come to class.)

$110*: Class + Answer Sheet (*NOTE: Must already own book)
$110: Answer sheet (You need to purchase an answer sheet if you are retaking the exam. You should already have a copy of the book from a previous class.) You will receive the answer sheet when you come to take the exam.

On-Site Online Proctor

$114: Proctor + Book (Seat Code Included)
$114: On-site online proctor with a book (There is NO class instruction with this option. You will receive a book and you must study on your own. The online seat code is included with your book.)

$74: Proctor + *$36 Seat Code (*NOTE: You are responsible for purchasing a $36 seat code from the NRA, link provided here:
$74: On-site online proctor ONLY (There is NO class instruction or book provided with this option. You are required to purchase a $36 seat code for the NRA to take the exam. The website link is included above

Registration for ServSafe courses are currently suspended for maintenance.
Please check back later.

Need assistance? Contact Us

Jasmine Harris-Speight
Phone: 662.325.6640

Dr. Courtney Crist
Phone: 662.325.0852


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