Shecoya White

Shecoya White

Assistant Professor

Office: 107 Herzer Bldg.

Mailing Address:

Box 9805
945 Stone Blvd.
Mississippi State, MS 39762


Dhahir, N., J.-M. Nguekam Feugang, K. Witrick, S. Park, S. White, A. AbuGhazaleh. 2021. The effect of different ultraviolet-C light doses on microbial reduction and the components of camel milk. Food Science and Technology International 27(2).  Download

Rogers, W., Y. Campbell, X. Zhang, W. Shao, S. White, T. W. Phillips, M. W. Schilling. 2020. The application of food grade short chain fatty acids to prevent infestation of Tyrophagus putrescentiae on dry cured ham and the effects on sensory properties. Journal of Stored Products Research 88:101684.  Download

Park, S. B., S. White, C. S. Steadman, T. Pechan, O. Pechanova, H. J. Clemente, R. V.K.G. Thirumalai, S. T. Willard, P. L. Ryan, J.-M. Nguekam Feugang. 2019. Silver-coated magnetic nanocomposites induce growth inhibition and protein changes in foodborne bacteria. Scientific Reports 9:17499.  Download


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Dietetic Internship

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