ServSafe Registration

Below are a list of registration options for ServSafe

Face-to-Face Class

$150: Class + Book + Answer Sheet + Shipping
$150: 7th Edition ServSafe Manager’s Book (You will need to purchase a book if this is your first time taking the exam or you have not taken the exam in the last five years. You are required to have a book when you come to class.)

$110*: Class + Answer Sheet (*NOTE: Must already own book)
$110: Answer sheet (You need to purchase an answer sheet if you are retaking the exam. You should already have a copy of the book from a previous class.) You will receive the answer sheet when you come to take the exam.

On-Site Online Proctor

$114: Proctor + Book (Seat Code Included)
$114: On-site online proctor with a book (There is NO class instruction with this option. You will receive a book and you must study on your own. The online seat code is included with your book.)

$74: Proctor + *$36 Seat Code (*NOTE: You are responsible for purchasing a $36 seat code from the NRA, link provided here:
$74: On-site online proctor ONLY (There is NO class instruction or book provided with this option. You are required to purchase a $36 seat code for the NRA to take the exam. The website link is included above

Need assistance? Contact Us

Jasmine Harris-Speight
Phone: 662.325.6640

Dr. Courtney Crist
Phone: 662.325.0852


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